Knots for Fresh and Saltwater

How To Fly Fish

$ 12.95

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One of the most important elements of fishing enjoyment is your skill at tying knots. Knots are elementary to fishing whether it's fly fishing, spinning or bait, and you can learn every knot you will need to know in this DVD. Learn from the vast experience of Outdoor Life Network and ESPN's Fly Fishing Video Magazine hosts, Jim and Kelly Watt, along with expert instruction from author Dick Talleur, guide Lenny Moffo, casting expert Steve Rajeff and the Hooker's first mate Randy Baker.  

Dick Talleur: Nail Knot, Braided Mono Loop, Surgeon's Loop, Uni Knot, Albright Knot, Leader to Fly Line, Knots for Leaders, Blood Knot, Double Overhand, Surgeon's Knot, Nested Nail Knot, Nested Uni Knot, Knot Strength test, Clinch Knot, Improved Clinch Knot, Turl Knot. Steve Rajeff: Backing to Reel, Nail-less Nail Knot. Lenny Moffo: Mono Loop, Slip Knot, Wire Leader Knots, Haywire Twist, Albright Combo. Randy Baker: Plastic Coated Wire Leaders, Big Game Fishing Knots. Viewers also Learn: Class Tippett, Bimini Twist, Spider Hitch, Huffnagle, Double Hook Set with Snell Knot, Lines for Billfish.

DVDKNT REVIEW: Fishing Knots For Fresh and Saltwater
Hosted by cable television fishing program hosts Jim Watt and Kelly Watt, this DVD "teaches all you need to know about knot tying." With little preliminary information, the hosts demonstrate how to tie a nail knot, braided mono loop, surgeon's loop, and Albright knot. Then, according to Kelly, the "fun part" begins, when she introduces knots that attach the leader to the fly.

These knots are then tested for strength and durability. Other fishing experts demonstrate knots for various uses (big game fishing, specific fish, etc). The footage (some taken onboard fishing boats) is extremely crisp and clear and includes plenty of close-ups. However, instructions are not captioned or recapped, making this most appropriate for experienced anglers. Buy according to demand and interest.

DVDKNT REVIEW: Fishing Knots For Fresh and Saltwater
Teaching anglers how to tie nearly every knot (30 of them!) used in fresh or saltwater fishing, this comprehensive instructional guide presented by veteran anglers clearly demonstrates the techniques used to create such colorfully named fishing knots as the Blood Knot, the Nested Nail Knot, the Bimini Twist, and the Spider Hitch, and covers topics ranging from tying knots for leaders to judging knot strength.

While the speed of some of the demonstrations seemed a bit quick for inexperienced fishermen (although the back scan button on the DVD will allow viewers to watch it over and over), and the information could have been better organized (it's nice to know how to tie the knot and understand the reasons for its use at the same time), these are minor criticisms. Given the popularity of fly fishing, the wide scope of the program, and the wealth of insider tips form the presenters here, this is sure to be a popular and useful title for fishing enthusiasts and is recommended.

DVDKNT REVIEW: Fishing Knots For Fresh and Saltwater
Fishing Knots from the "How To Fly Fish" series, teaches the basics of knot tying. Jim and Kelly Watt, of Fly Fishing Magazine, present step-by-step instructions for knots used to attach backing to reel, leader knots, and knots for tying leader to fly or lure. Close-up photography and the use of rope and colored filament permit ease of viewing. ...well organized and will work well for visual learners.

The Watts deserve kudos for their enthusiasm of a topic that some might consider "a snooze". In truth, according to the American Sport Fishing Association, more people fish than play golf or tennis combined, comprising an industry with an economic impact of more than $100 billion...(a) welcome addition to public libraries needing to fill the gaps in their sports and recreation collections.